Event Tracking Overview
Event Tracking is a new method available in the ga.js
tracking code that you can use to record user interaction with website elements, such as a Flash-driven menu system. This is accomplished by attaching the method call to the particular UI element you want to track. When used this way, all user activity on such elements is calculated and displayed as Events in the Analytics reporting interface. Additionally, pageview calculations are unaffected by user activity tracked using the Event Tracking method. Finally, Event Tracking employs an object-oriented model that you can use to collect and classify different types of interaction with your web page objects.
By contrast, tracking web page objects using the urchin.js
tracking code requires virtual URL creation and provides no object hierarchy. With the legacy urchin.js
code, user interaction with page objects is calculated and displayed as part of total page views to your site, and no distinction is made between actual and virtual pageviews.
With ga.js
, you would commonly apply Event Tracking to:
- Any Flash-driven element, like a Flash website, or a Flash Movie player
- Embedded AJAX page elements
- Page gadgets
- File downloads
- Load times for data
This document assumes familiarity with Google Analytics Tracking Code (GATC) configuration. Additionally, you must have the ga.js
tracking code installed on those pages where you configure Event Tracking as described here. For more information on tracking your site using the GATC, see the Tracking Sites guide as well as the documentation in the Analytics Concepts section of this site.